In celebration of next year's 40th anniversary of the forming of Led Zeppelin, I am embarking on a spiritual journey. My goal is to listen to a recording of every Led Zeppelin concert currently available to the public within a year. I plan to listen to one concert per day in chronological order (or as close as I can get as new shows are acquired). My collection is still far from complete, but hopefully by December 31, 2008, I will have completed the collection and reached my goal.
It will be a strange journey filled with ups and downs, highs and lows (both quality and generation), and most importantly, rock and roll. Will it bring me enlightenment, or will it take away my desire to hear another Led Zeppelin recording ever again? Only time will tell.
The quest will officially begin on Tuesday, January 1, 2008 with a recording made on Monday, December 30, 1968 at Kennedy Pavilion at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA (the only live recording from 1968). I will be posting notes about the recordings and reviews of each show on a (hopefully) daily basis, so check back to observe my progress.
Let's rock.